Dichroic Chandelier

Dichroic Chandelier from Katy Gero on Vimeo.

Finally put together a movie of the chandelier Lauren Gust and I made for Steer Roast 2012. The chandelier is made of:

– a mild steel frame (hand bent and welded into circles)
– fishing line
– laser-cut triangles of dichroic acrylic

It hangs from nylon rope attached at three points, looped on a load-bearing carabiner which attached to a c-clamp at the top of a skylight frame. The whole thing weighed in at about 9lbs.

I apologize for the terrible video quality. It was taken with my iphone and seeing this video in vimeo has convinced me that I need to get a real video camera if I ever want to record something I’ve made ever again. Also, iMovie is hell.

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